How Fast Is A Fast Drying Hand Dryer?

by | Oct 29, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

Everything is relative and I know that we live in an age where time is everything; instant is a buzz word these days; but, surely we still have time to dry our hands without being bothered about how quickly we can finish such a gargantuan task? However, if time really is money then, maybe, there really is a need for us to use a Fast Drying Hand Dryer?

I am sure we have all experienced it at some time or another; you have just used the bathroom facilities and have dutifully washed your hands afterwards and are looking around for a way of drying them (why is it that we do not locate the dryer before we get our hands wet). We see a warm air electrical dryer over in the corner (there is only one and it is already in use). It seems to take the other guy forever to finish and then it is your turn.

This dryer is one of the more ancient ones that requires you to push a button a�� which you do. You place your hands under the nozzle and, for a while, nothing seems to be happening. Eventually, some slightly warm air sort of trickles across your hands and you begin frantically rubbing them together in line with the machinea��s instructions. This is when the blower cuts out and you have to push the button again.

It may not have actually taken hours to get our hands dry but it does feel that way. That is when you can appreciate the need for a Fast Drying Hand Dryer. However, this does still beg the question of how fast must it be to be categorized as a Fast Drying hand Dryer? Has anybody ever done full scale time trials under controlled conditions?

Probably todaya��s hand dryers are not substantially faster than yesterdays but they are certainly more efficient. The a�?Push Here To Starta�? days are long gone and sensors now tell the dryer when to start blowing out its warm air. The higher the temperature the faster your hands will dry but that is not the clue to faster drying hand dryers a�� who wants medium rare barbequed hands!

Air velocity also has an effect on drying speed but, again, usera��s comfort is of greater concern. The main feature of a Fast Drying Hand Dryer is control of how the air passes over the hands.

You no longer hold your hands under a nozzle and rub and rotate them, instead, you enter both hands through a slit in the top of the dryer and the air blows all around them both knocking moisture off your hands as well as evaporating it. This is the key to faster drying.

For the Latest in Fast Drying Hand Dryer technology, take a look at the range of American made dryers available from World Dryer.

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