Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

by | Jan 7, 2014 | Air Conditioning

Air conditioners help to keep the indoor temperature of your home consistently comfortable during weather and temperature extremes. In order for you to enjoy these benefits all year round, it is important to make sure that you maintain your air conditioner and prevent it from breaking down completely. Use the following simple air conditioning maintenance tips to ensure that your unit functions properly.

Check filters every month – Air conditioning filters are an important component in the unit. Filters help to remove dust and debris from the air that pass through the air conditioner, which keeps the unit, and indoor air clean. As the filter gets dirty, it reduces the airflow through the air conditioner, which causes it to work harder, reducing its efficiency. Check your air conditioner filters at least once a month and clean them each time. Before the filters become too congested, replace them with new ones.

Keep the condensing unit debris free – The condensing unit is the portion of your air conditioner that sits outside the building. The fact that the unit sits outside your home in the yard or on a flat portion of your roof means constant exposure to the elements and different types of debris. Every so often, you should clean out the inner portion of the condensing unit, removing leaves, dirt and other debris. Keeping the unit free of debris ensure that it works with optimum efficiency.

Have the air conditioner serviced once a year – Along with checking and cleaning filters once a month and ensuring that the condensing unit stays debris free, have your air conditioning unit serviced by a professional each year. A professional air conditioning technician will go through your entire air conditioning system checking for any issues that reduce its performance and efficiency. Technicians easily identify and fix issues that may cause problems in the future and will do things like add refrigerant to your unit so that it cools properly.

Use these air conditioning maintenance tips to ensure that your cooling system functions properly when it should. Utilize the services of experienced technicians like the ones at Service 1 Heating & AC Inc. to maintain your air conditioning. They will inspect your unit to determine any issues and repair it completely and efficiently.

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