Why do Homeowners Seek Septic Services in Haines City, FL?

by | Aug 17, 2015 | Construction & Maintenance

Septic tanks are great devices when they work properly. When something goes wrong, getting help quickly is a must. Here are a few situations that call for seeking Septic Services in Haines City FL, without delay.

Something Stinks

The garbage was taken out and the pets have not left any presents on the carpeting. After checking around a little, the homeowner finds the foul odor is coming from the kitchen and bathroom drains. There is a good chance that the septic tank is beginning to back up. A quick call to one of the local Septic Services in Haines City FL, is all it takes to have a professional on site and have the matter resolved. Once the work is done, the air inside the house will once again be sweet.

Slow Drains

While there is no unpleasant aroma coming from the drains, they do seem to run a little slow. This could also be a sign that the tank is nearing capacity and some sewage is backing up. A professional can check the status of the tank and determine if this is the case. If so, it will not take long to empty the tank and restore the bacteria necessary to aid in the decomposition process.

A Wet Spot on the Lawn

While most of the yard is dry, there is one spot that seems to stay wet. The ground in that spot is also a little spongy. It occurs to the homeowner that the spot happens to be over the septic tank. That prompts a call for help.

While the tank could be leaking, the more likely scenario is that it is full and needs emptying. A professional can determine what needs to be done and take care of the job. Once the work is finished, the wet spot will be gone and things around the house can return to normal.

For help in scheduling a service call, you can try here and set up a date and time that is convenient. After talking with the client about what is happening and assessing the condition of the tank, it will be easy to determine what must be done, how much it will cost, and how long it will take to make things right again.

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