What Can A Carpet Cleaning Indianapolis IN Company Do For Water Damage?

by | Jun 11, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

Water damage on carpets must be thoroughly cleaned immediately in order to restore it back to its original condition. After taking the time to determine whether the water source was clean or contaminated, you may be able to restore your carpet without compromising on looks or safety caused by remaining mold or bacteria. Hiring a professional carpet cleaning Indianapolis IN service is your best way to get immediate results but you should know what to expect.

Clean water damage means that the water source is from a hydrant, shower, tub, pipes or drains not connected to the black sewage water that comes from underground. Anything slightly contaminated from toilets is considered contaminated. If the source is from clean water damage your carpets may be salvageable if treated right away.

A disinfecting of the area will need to take place on the soiled carpet. A cleaning solution of part color safe bleach diluted with water will clean the area as long as the area is properly ventilated. Bleach is a toxic product that is effective on cleaning but harmful if breathed in for a certain amount of time. Lift up as much of the carpet as possible without having to tear away sections. If a section needs to be removed, do so carefully with a box cutter. Remove the damaged pad underneath and replace completely.

Now you are ready for an industrial sized fan to be set in place to directly blow on the wet and soiled area. This along with a humidifier will need to be in place for an initial period of 12 hours. If within 12 hours the floor has not completely dried, check for fast growing mold spores. If the carpet is almost dry you may proceed however, heavily saturated carpets at this point may be need to be replaced completely.

These are the simple steps that a cleaning service commercial Indianapolis IN will take in order to restore your carpet. The products are commercial in order to expedite the treatment process. Knowing what to expect will help in the repair process so you can estimate your potential damage. A professional company will also be able to inform your insurance company during the restoration process.

For more information about how a reputable carpet cleaning company in Indianapolis IN can help you, visit ServiceMasterRestorationByWestphal.com.


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