Today’s Metal Residential Roofing Installation in Appleton Can Be Done in a Variety of Styles and Colors

by | May 13, 2016 | Roofing

Metal roofs are becoming more prevalent for Residential Roofing Installation in Appleton, and people probably don’t even realize just how many metal roofs are in the various neighborhoods they drive through. While some homeowners choose roofing that is distinctively metal, others want the material to look as much like asphalt or wood shingles as possible. As the aesthetics of these roofs has improved over decades past, and as more color and style options become available, many homeowners decide this is the right choice. Nothing beats metal roofing for durability and longevity, and those are substantial advantages over other materials. It should be noted that sheet metal roofing is still less expensive than other designs, which is one reason property owners may choose that style. Metal roofs last a very long time, but they cost more upfront than other materials, and this can be a weighty decision for homeowners.

Today’s metal Residential Roofing Installation in Appleton can be done in colors ranging from white to black and all the expected hues in between. Property owners who want their roofs to blend in well with the trees and other roofs in the neighborhood typically choose warm neutral colors or a shade in brown or green. Heather patterns are available that can create an even more natural look. However, some homeowners like their house to stand out more, and they might select shades of rose, blue, aqua or red. Depending on the municipality and the neighborhood, property owners may need to find out from the zoning agency whether any roofing colors and styles are not allowed. Residents of some areas do not want colors that stand out too much and look too inconsistent with the other architectural designs.

Aluminum and steel are the most common materials for residential metal roofing. Homeowners will probably want to obtain estimates from two or three contractors and may want to get pricing for some different styles. An organization such as Motto & Sons Construction is a good place to start; this company only hires licensed roofers to guarantee customers a certain level of expertise. Visit the website to learn more.

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